The development of drinking problems in women

Why do women start drinking?
- Stress caused by unstable life, financial difficulties, pressure from superiors, colleagues or older generations of nearby families.
- Worries about relationship with spouse, lack of attention from spouse, betrayal, rudeness, frequent absence from home.
- Unable to spend leisure time, boredom, lack of hobbies.
- Lack of family, immersed in work during the day, empty at night.
- Loneliness, especially sudden loneliness: the death of a husband, his absence, or the loss of other relatives.
- Insomnia, desire for sleep to normalize.
- Diet, which attempts to suppress hunger by restricting food.
- Hereditary, ancestral alcoholism.
- Menopause, an increase in physical and mental illnesses due to changes in the body.
How does female alcoholism differ from male alcoholism?

stage of alcoholism
- Stage I.An attraction to alcohol develops. Women get pleasurable feelings from drinking alcohol and want to repeat this feeling. This is a sign of mental dependence. Women long to find an environment where they can drink regularly. She was looking for a reason and the right company. Watch a woman and you'll notice erratic behavior and more frequent drinking. She explains that she feels bad or wants to relax, or is worried about a problem - family or work.
She was unable to objectively assess that drinking had become more frequent and refused to quit. He reacted violently to the comments and refused to analyze his actions. Clashes with those who want to force her to stay sober. In order to relieve the pressure from the outside world, women began to drink secretly. - second stage.Mental dependence has been formed, and the mood depends on whether the woman is drunk or not. Physical dependence develops and the alcoholic begins to suffer from hangovers. She often drinks a little each day and rarely binges for several days in a row, followed by a break. But quitting drinking is already very difficult.
Women's bodies quickly begin to fade. There are external signs of ongoing alcohol abuse. The unkempt appearance, the attempt to cover up the gray complexion with makeup, the bags under the eyes, and the puffy face reveal an alcoholic woman. Her voice became harsh and hoarse. This behavior manifests itself in aggression, hysteria, tearfulness, unwillingness to accept responsibility, and alienation from loved ones. She became sexually promiscuous and suffered from gynecological problems. Memory loss, drowsiness, hand tremors. - The third phase.Physical dependence has developed; women have difficulty functioning without alcohol. The body has undergone irreversible changes. There are obvious disturbances in the mental realm and internal organs.
Characteristic disorders of this stage include: alcoholic encephalopathy, polyneuropathy, ongoing intellectual decline, delirium tremens, toxic hepatitis, cirrhosis, renal failure, chronic pancreatitis, heart disease, and risk of stroke. The risk of poisoning from alcohol substitutes is extremely high. Returning to a sober life is nearly impossible. Drinking has become a way of life and personality is being destroyed. She lost her job and nearly all her loved ones, who despaired of ever seeing her sober. She has no other interests except drinking.

When to start treatment

There is no need to waste time going to traditional healers and charlatans. They promise to bring someone sober through one or more short-term treatments. Neither the price nor the advertising fame of such services guarantees success.
What is healthcare?
- Preparation for detoxification and rapid removal of alcohol breakdown products from the body.
- Drugs specifically designed to create an aversion to alcohol.
- Medications used to correct diseases caused by alcoholism (cardiac disease, neuropathy, endocrinopathy, psychotic spectrum, and other acquired conditions).
- Complex psychotherapy, with the help of a psychologist, attending group and individual sessions to resolve personal problems and relieve emotions.
- Maintains blockade of opioid receptors. Supportive coding, hypnotherapy. These methods should only be used in conjunction with other medical and psychotherapeutic interventions. Isolated exposure has almost no effect, as the motivation to stay sober outside of complex treatment quickly disappears.